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Acting is an amazing art form!

Learning to act is NOT about wanting to be famous, its about developing a life-long passion. It is about learning to create something to move an audience.

Acting is not just about learning scripts. It is about analyzing scripts, doing background work, creating the character within yourself and then bringing it all to life.

Marbella Film School aims to give you the skills and tools to pursue acting as a career, including the development of your own showreel.

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Marbella Film School is proud to bring the world renowned ‘Stella Adler Technique’ to Marbella Students.

Stella Adler believed that an actor’s talent lies with his/her imagination and visualization. The theatre and film actress turned teacher, trained with Stanislavsky and studied the method, but didn’t believe that an actor needed to relive past experiences to connect with the script.

Her technique style has been studied by many renowned actors including as:

Robert De NiroElaine StritchMartin SheenDiana MuldaurDolores del RioRoy ScheiderVincent D’OnofrioMark RuffaloWarren Beatty , Michael ImperioliSalma HayekSean AstinBarbara StuartJoyce MeadowsStephen Bauer and Benicio del Toro, in addition to Marlon Brando, who served as the New York studio’s Honorary Chairman until his death, and was replaced by another pupil, Warren Beatty.

The acting schools which Adler founded still operate today in New York City  and Los Angeles.

“One of the things about acting is it allows you to live other people’s lives

without having to pay the price.”

Robert De Niro

© 2017 Marbella Film School

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